Denise Banuelos and Kecia Bailey represented AABE California Chapter and Southern California Edison (SCE) at The Students Think S.T.E.A.A.M. Expo. It was held at the LA Trade Tech on Sat., October 25. Nearly 2,500 K-12 students from all over the state attended.
AABE California Chapter partnered with Southern California Edison (SCE ) to host an exhibitor table that included interactive activities featuring such as a hand held generator that demonstrated the amount of power it takes to light a candescent light bulb, vs. a compact florescent vs. an LED. There were also demonstrations on how solar interacts with the sun to fuel power with a variety of products.
The students enjoyed the hand crank generator and lined up for their turn at the crank. The two vendors that provided the products educated the students and took away some very powerful lessons.
One of the more popular give away items included a fold up Frisbee. AABE member Kecia distributed applications for the AABE scholarship which were tagged to track later.