Being involved with AABE has allowed me the opportunity to have gain perspectives that I probably would not have benefited from otherwise. The talent pool is enormous among all groups in Dominion, and I am honored to have the opportunity of experiencing this positive visual as I do business on a daily basis.
Although my natural talents rest in the area of communications, building relationships, and affecting positive change. Energy affects everyone, thus, having a career in the energy sector surpasses all.
Stanley wished he had professional development and the concepts of mentorship and progression when he began his career. He said he was not initially exposed to AABE.
“I learned about the possibilities of the energy sector subsequent to acquiring a supplemental employee position at the Surry Nuclear Generating facility right out of high school. My individual curiosity was the vehicle that led me to explore the possibilities and ultimately quenched my thirst for knowledge and to excel. My thirst for knowledge has led to a career as a nuclear professional spanning over 35-years,” he explained.
When asked about his involved with AABE and how it prepared him for his future in the energy sector? He said AABE’s involvement has and continues to enrich my broad knowledge of the vast energy sector. The recent completion of my engineering degree was motivated in part by my involvement with AABE. My expertise originally was in the nuclear sector; however, my involvement with AABE has given me the opportunity of energy knowledge diversity, and is an extension of my professional development whereby I am continuously pursuing excellence.
Dominion is a large company with a portfolio that contains a diverse energy mix. For this reason, the opportunities are endless. The exposure that I have personally experienced through AABE with executive leaders in Dominion and abroad has and continues to be invaluable.
Lastly, he recommended students entering the industry should study engineering, alternative energy, renewable energy, and business/corporate law.