AABE Statement on the passage of the CHIPS+ and Inflation Reduction Act

August 16, 2022
For Immediate Release
August 16th, 2022
Contact: External Affairs
Email: externalaffairs@aabe.org
Cell: (202) 683-2084 ext. 114
AABE Statement on the passage of the CHIPS+ and Inflation Reduction Act

Washington, D.C. – The American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE) President and CEO Ralph Cleveland issued the following statement today on the passage of the CHIPS+ and Inflation Reduction Act:

“All Americans can feel the strain of economic uncertainty and the devastating effects of extreme weather events caused by climate change; however, people of color most often have the least means to move from harm’s way and disproportionally bear the burden of these impacts. The U.S. House and Senate recently passed two bills that promise to restore American competitiveness through deficit reduction, climate policy, workforce development, and more.”

“The American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE) looks forward to working with the Federal government to ensure the equitable and inclusive implementation and distribution of funding from the landmark Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 which promises $369 billion for energy security, greenhouse gas emission reduction, and lowering of consumer energy costs.”

“AABE would also like to acknowledge the recent passage of the bipartisan CHIPS Act of 2022 which aims to restore American competitiveness and we, The American Association of Blacks in Energy, look forward to supporting the minority energy sector suppliers and workers who will benefit from this landmark investment.”


Since its inception in 1977, AABE has remained committed to providing direct input into the deliberations and developments of energy policies, regulations, emerging technologies, and environmental issues. The inclusion of black and brown voices in energy and environmental decision making is imperative to the successful and equitable transition to a net-zero economy.





The American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE) is a national association of energy professionals founded and dedicated to ensure the input of African Americans and other minorities into the discussions and developments of energy policies regulations, R&D technologies, and environmental issues. For more information on the Association, please visit: www.aabe.org. 


Camille Moore

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