AABE James E. Stewart Awards
The James E. Stewart (JES) Award is the American Association of Blacks in Energy's highest level of recognition and is bestowed upon the member selected as an individual who is a distinguished high achiever in the energy field, as well as, demonstrating outstanding leadership within the AABE organization and the community.
JES Award winners exemplify a superior commitment to the goals of the AABE organization through their high level of contribution to its growth and their involvement in the development and execution of its policies, programs and activities. Read James E. Stewart's biography by clicking here.
Past JES Awardees (1987-2022)
1993 - Berlinda Fontenot-Jamerson, Southern California Gas (Southern California Chapter)
1994 - Leandra Abbott, Con Edison (NYMAC)
1995 - Charles Hamiltion, Brooklyn Union Gas (NYMAC)
1996 - Tom Walker, Chevron (Atlanta)
1997 - Polly S. Rosemond, Entergy-New Orleans (Louisiana)
1998 - Rufus D. Gladney, Consumers Energy (Michigan)
1999 - Cheryl Abney, PECO Energy (Philadelphia)
2000 - Hilda Pinnix-Ragland, Progress Energy (North Carolina)
2001 - Robert E. Love, Consumers Energy (Michigan)
2002 - Carolyn Green, Sunoco (Philadelphia)
2003 - Charles Tinker, Detroit Edison (Michigan)
2004 - Paula Jackson, United Illuminating (Connecticut)
2005 - Syl Morgan-Smith, National Renewable Energy Laboratories (Denver)
2006 - Paul White, National Renewable Energy Laboratories (Denver)
2007 - Gilda Joseph, Chevron (Houston)
2008 - David Owens, Edison Electric Institute (Washington, DC Metropolitan Area)
2009 - Wayne Young, Honeywell (Atlanta)
2010 - LaDoris (Dot) Harris, GE Energy (Atlanta)
2011 – Frank Stewart, AABE (Denver)
2012 – Joyce Hayes Giles, DTE Energy (Michigan)
2013 - George Williams, PMI Energy Solutions (Chicago)
2014 - Corlene Williams (Birmingham)
2022 - Marie Knox (Arkansas)
2023 - Telisa Toliver (Houston)
2024 - Daniel F. Packer (Honored Posthumously - New Orleans)
Entrepreneur of the Year
2009 - Steve Hightower, Hightower Petroleum
2010 - Llewelyn Rhone, Geneva Pipeline
2011 – Robert Wallace, BITHENERGY
2012 - Lonnie Johnson
2013 - Patricia Watts, FCI Management
2014 - Dwayne Barlow & George Williams, PMI Energy Solutions
2022 - Carla Walker Miller, Walker-Miller Energy Services
Corporate Partner of the Year
2011 – Southern California Edison
Outstanding Chapters of the Year - Various Chapters were awarded this honor from 2000 to 2009. Please click on Chapter websites to view when they received this acknowledgement.