James K. Davis Scholarship Gala and
AABE Atlanta 30th Anniversary Celebration
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Reception and Silent Auction 6:30 p.m.
Dinner and Program 7:30 p.m.
Live Entertainment 9:00 p.m.
Sponsor Levels:
____ $5,000 Platinum(2 tables of 10 w/signage and company logo; two full-page electronic ads during reception and dinner; company name and logo on AABE Atlanta website for one year; company name and logo on program front cover; company recognition in program)
____ $4,000 Gold (2 tables of 10 w/signage and company logo; one full-page electronic ad during reception and dinner; company name and logo on AABE Atlanta website for six months, and recognition in program)
____$3,000 Silver (1 table of 10 w/signage and company logo; half-page electronic ad during reception and dinner; company name and logo listed in program)
____ Table (10 seats), @$1,500 ____ Individual tickets, @$150 non-member
____ Individual tickets, @ $100(AABE Atlanta member)
Total Amount Due: $ ___________________
AABE Atlanta is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Non-charitable meal portion of each ticket is $60.
Payment method: ___Check (preferred) ___M/C ___Visa ___AMEX
Name on Card ____________________________________________
Company__________________________ Phone: ________________
City____________________ State ____________ Zip_____________
Card #___________________________________________________
Exp. Date____________ Security Code ________ Amt. $__________
Please make checks payable to:
AABE Atlanta
P.O. Box 55216 ♦ Atlanta, GA 30308
For more information contact Olivia Woods at 404-506-2158
Delitha Morrow Coles