Drexel Harris, Jeff Washington, Gloria Boyd, Anthony Moore, Malesia Taylor, Jesse Myrick, Lloyd Eley,
and Katie Taylor
AABE Virginia Chapter had its first general body meeting on February 23, 2017 at Dominion’s Innsbrook auditorium at 5000 Dominion Blvd. in Glen Allen, Virginia. The event also marked the Chapter’s first live video recording for members to view at a later date.
Networking initiated the event at 5:30 PM, followed by the Chapter meeting at 6:00 PM. Members were welcomed by Lloyd Eley, Chairperson – AABE Virginia Chapter Programs Committee, with a Virginia legislative update by Malesia Taylor, Chairperson – AABE Virginia Chapter Legislative Issues and Public Policy Committee.
Members and guests of the AABE Virginia Chapter experienced an informative presentation by guest speaker Ms. Pamela F. Faggert, Chief Environmental Officer and Senior Vice President - Sustainability of Dominion Resources, Inc. (Dominion). Ms. Faggert represents Dominion on environmental issues, assists the business units in achieving ongoing environmental compliance, oversees the Dominion’s environmental sustainability program and works to ensure environmental requirements are incorporated into business operations plans. Ms. Faggert’s presentation was followed by engaging questions and answers.
Ann Jones, President AABE Virginia Chapter and Pamela F. Faggert, Dominion Chief Environmental Officer and Senior Vice President - Sustainability of Dominion Resources, Inc.
Jesse Myrick