Congressional Smart Cities Caucus

October 10, 2018

Congressional Smart Cities Caucus

"I invite you to become a member of the Congressional Smart Cities Caucus. Formed in the 115th Congress, the Congressional Smart Cities Caucus serves as a bipartisan group of Members dedicated to bringing American communities into the 21st Century through innovation and technological change. Embracing smart technology will make our communities more sustainable, resilient, efficient, livable, and competitive in a world in which technology is constantly advancing.

The Congressional Smart Cities Caucus provides a place where Members of Congress can convene with stakeholders from all different backgrounds, including but not limited to: industry stakeholders, state and local governments, and local community leaders. Join me exploring ways we can bridge the technological divide between urban and rural American communities by expanding smart infrastructure nationwide."


Yvette D. Clarke, Member of Congress

Darrell Issa, Member of Congress

Felicia Kelly

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