A Message from the President: Embracing Diversity in the Aftermath of the U.S. Supreme Court Decision on Affirmative Action

August 10, 2023

A New Approach to Addressing Systemic Inequities: Embracing Diversity in the Aftermath of the U.S. Supreme Court Decision

Washington, D.C. – The recent U.S. Supreme Court decision curbing affirmative action prompts the American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE) to advocate for a more comprehensive approach to address systemic inequities. While affirmative action was a step, racial disparities persist. A strategic diversity management model is crucial now.

Systemic racial biases are evident in health, economics, and criminal justice. Removing interventions won't resolve this. The Supreme Court decision offers a chance to adopt new tools against racism, rather than ignore it.

"The reality is, unfortunately, that race is and always has been a construct so dominant and powerful in American society that it cannot be ignored, and it certainly has never been and still isn’t benign."  - President & CEO Ralph Cleveland

The American Association of Blacks in Energy calls for leaders to gain diversity management skills. This fosters inclusivity, quality decisions, and progress. We're at a turning point. Embracing the truth about racial disparities propels change.


About American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE):
The American Association of Blacks in Energy is a national organization dedicated to ensuring the input of African Americans and other minorities into the discussions and developments of energy policies, regulations, R&D technologies, and environmental issues. AABE's mission is to provide direct input into the deliberations and developments of energy policies, regulations, emerging technologies, and environmental issues.
For more information, please contact:
Camille Moore
Senior Vice President, External Affairs
American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE
Phone: 202-713-0832
Email: externalaffairs@aabe.org

Camille Moore
202-713-0832 Phone

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