AABE Hosts Webinar on Climate Change Convention

February 8, 2010

On Thursday, February 4th the American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE®) presented a webinar for its members, “Understanding Climate Change – An Overview of the Climate Change Convention in Copenhagen”. The webinar provided an overview of the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Convention also called the Conference of the Parties (COP). This convention brought world leaders to develop a framework to mitigate climate change by 2012.

Carolyn Green, Chair of the association and Frank Stewart, the AABE President and COO were the presenters for this webinar. They provided attendees an inside look at the COP since both were in attendance on behalf of the Joint Center for Economic and Political Studies. They are members of the Joint Center’s Commission to Engage African Americans in Climate Change. “We hope that this webinar will provide our members with an understanding of the important role that African Americans can play in the discussions around climate change on the world stage”, said Stewart. For more information about the Climate Change webinar or to suggest topics for future webinars, contact Paula Jackson atpjackson@aabe.org.

Click here to get the webinar presentation.

Paula Jackson
202.641.6864 Phone

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