Apply Now for Southeastern Missouri /Southern Illinois Chapter Scholarships
February 16, 2016
AABE National Scholarship Eligibility and Criteria
Through the work of various members of the AABE® National Scholarship Committee, Chapter Presidents, Regional Coordinators, local Scholarship Committees and many AABE volunteers nationwide, the AABE Scholarship Program is advertised and applications are solicited from eligible candidates nation-wide. AABE local chapters review the applications received and select local scholarship winners, from which the top ranked candidates are forwarded to the National Scholarship Committee for consideration of regional and national awards.
The deadline date for submission of applications for the 2016 Scholarship Program is Friday, March 4, 2016.
The American Association of Blacks in Energy is a professional organization of African Americans in the energy industry. Through its Scholarship Program, AABE seeks to help increase the number of African Americans and other misrepresented minorities* in energy related fields. By doing so, we help our nation address a critical need and a challenge to our future economic vitality in the world market.
Candidates for an AABE scholarship must meet the following eligibility criteria:
Scholarship recipients-known as AABE Scholars, are determined by the Organization’s Scholarship Committee each spring. Recipients receive notification of their selection by mail.
Each year AABE National awards six $3,000 scholarships to students representing the Association’s six regions. Additionally, a Premier Award of $5,000 is given annually to one candidate who is adjudged to demonstrate the most outstanding achievement and promise. Awards are made directly to the students upon presentation of proof of enrollment at an accredited college or university. At present, awards are made only on a one-time basis.
In addition, AABE Southeastern Missouri/Southern Illinois Chapter will award ten (10) $2000 scholarships to a student of the AABE – Southeastern Missouri/Southern Illinois Chapter’s region. The award shall be made directly to the student upon presentation of proof of enrollment at an accredited college or university. Awards are to be made on a one time basis.
The Application Package
Consideration will be given only to candidates submitting complete application packages which include: (1) a completed AABE application form (copies are acceptable); (2) a high school transcript; (3) official proof of ACT or SAT scores; (4) two letters of reference; and (5) a completed checklist. The Application Package can be found here.
Complete application packages MUST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN, Friday March 4, 2016 and submitted to the local AABE chapter listed below. Applications returned to the AABE national office or the National Scholarship Committee are in violation of procedures and will not be considered for scholarship support.
AABE Southeastern Missouri/Southern Illinois Chapter
C/O Ameren Illinois
Attention: Stacey Young
370 S. Main Street, MC A-16
Decatur IL 62523
Stacey Young
Penny St. James
314-206-0616 Phone